# Create a blog using VuePress (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1.
# Custom CSS
The next step is to modify the theme of the blog slightly. To do that, I created .vuepress/styles/palette.styl
$accentColor = #007acc
Furthermore, I wanted to remove this svg on all outbound links:
A simple inspect showed me that is was being set by this:
.icon.outbound {
color: #aaa;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
position: relative;
top: -1px;
In order to hide that svg using CSS I created .vuepress/styles/index.styl
display:none !important
This was the result:
# Ordering posts
The last thing I wanted to achieve was to order the posts in reverse chronological order. I modified our original PostList
Vue component to add a sort function:
computed: {
posts() {
const path = this.$page.path
const posts = this.$site.pages
.filter(p => p.path && p.path.startsWith(path) && p.path !== path)
.sort((a, b) => {
return new Date(b.frontmatter.date) - new Date(a.frontmatter.date)
return posts;
# Deploying to Zeit Now
Finally, it was time to deploy my blog. For that, I used ZEIT (opens new window). I connected (opens new window) ZEIT to my GitHub account and pointed it to the correct repo. I then filled the following options:
and voila my website is live!
Continued in Part 3 of this series.